Yavapai County Community Health Services Logo White

We are dedicated to the health and well-being of our community

Improving the Health of the Community!

Healthy Yavapai County Empolyees

A Healthy Community

Community Health Education focuses on the promotion and protection of health, reducing health disparities, and improving quality of life. Community Health Education impacts many areas of wellness within a community, including but not limited to:

  • Chronic disease awareness and prevention
  • Injury and violence prevention
  • Maternal and infant health
  • Mental and behavioral health

Our staff are passionate about improving the Health of the Community, serving all residents of Yavapai County. 

Facebook feed @healthy.yavapai


Active Living For Adults

Enjoy being active with other adults in nature or in a class!

Active Living For Children and Families

Getting outside fosters a happy and healthy lifestyle and allows everyone to access the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of the great outdoors.

Bullying Prevention

Provide Middle School students awareness that their dignity and the dignity of others is the principle that guides our decisions and actions every day in our friendships, families, and schools.

Community Resources

An online resource guide designed to help community members identify and utilize services available in Yavapai County. This will redirect you to MOHELP.org.

Diabetes Prevention

A lifestyle change program for individuals with pre-diabetes or at risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes.

Health Presentations

The YCCHS Health Education team would be very happy to provide a presentation to your organization.  Click to see topic options.

Healthy Relationships & Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Safe Dates curriculum includes 8 lessons aimed at changing attitudes and behaviors that have been shown through research to predict dating abuse.

Mental Health

Reducing preventable suicide deaths through suicide case reviews and data collection, and partnering with the Yavapai Suicide Prevention Coalition.

Opioid/Prescription Drug Overdose Prevention

Decrease the rate of opioid overdose (specifically Fentanyl) in Yavapai county with education of community members on use of Naloxone, reduce stigma for those seeking treatment, promote trauma-based programs and alternative pain treatments like Tai Chi and Prescription for Nature.

Prescription For Nature

Building healthier minds, bodies and spirits through a connection with nature.

School Wellness

Helping each and every student to thrive within a healthful environment.

Tai Chi

A mild, gentle exercise – perfect for beginners and those with advanced practice.

Tobacco/Nicotine Prevention

Prevent initiation of tobacco use among youth and young adults through education programs; implement evidence-based interventions to promote quitting among youth and adults; education program for retailers to stop selling to youth under 21.

Yavapai Healthy Schools

We created Yavapai Healthy Schools to empower teachers, staff, parents, and students in making healthy choices.


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